HIVSA pennies

By | September 22, 2008

Last night, our second donation amount surpassed our first! We have currently raised $268 for HIVSA in this second wave of fund raising, bringing our total to over $500!!!

When I started this project, I had a goal of selling 300 pennies and raising at least $250. Now, with under 40 pennies left to be sold – I have DOUBLED that goal and I could not be happier.

I have been overwhelmed with the amount of support I have gotten and really hope these last few pennies sell quickly – as I can not wait to get this next donation sent over to Global Strategies so that it can be passed along to HIVSA.

Due to the success of this project, I do intend on having another custom penny created. I’m not sure yet what the design will be or what charity I will be fund raising for at this point, so please if you have any idea, leave me a comment!

For more information on the I Find Hope pennies, check out HansonTickets’ donation page.

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