Isaac’s Birthday Project
We are looking for your favorite Isaac photos, videos, quotes and memories for posts for Isaac’s birthday! We are going to try to do a “17 Days of Isaac” with one post a day November 1 – 17, so please try to get your entries in before October 31st to, or feel free to tweet us @hansonstage
2010 Items needed
The following are needed to complete the 2010 page:
West Palm Beach Bamboozle Ticket Stub (or wristband, etc)
September Anaheim, CA Ticket stub
September San Diego, CA Ticket stub
AIDS Walk Benefit Los Angeles, CA Ticket Stub
Boise, ID Setlist
Boulder, CO ticket stub with correct date
Montreal Canada Ticketstub (for upcoming 3rd leg)
A larger list of ALL years needed will be posted in the near future.
Pie Charts!
All tour show setlists that we have now also have a pie chart showing how many songs were sang from each album! Be sure to check them out 🙂
Past Openers
Our new staffers have been working hard on keeping you updated with information on the past openers. Stay tuned for details on their tours, albums, etc!
Retro Articles
Staffer Lee has been posting some “throwback” articles of Hanson – interesting to see their thoughts on things from years ago up until now! Look for some more exciting stuff coming from Lee over the next few months 🙂