Yesterday marked the 25th anniversary of the kick off of Hanson’s first world tour – The Albertane Tour. We are looking to put a little something together for the anniversary and need your help! If you have any photos, memories or anything else to share about this tour – please send it to We know concert photos will probably not be the best as sneaking in disposable cameras was generally the most we could get away with – but you and your friends before/after the show, the marquees, outside the venue, etc are all appreciated!
If you didn’t attend a concert but still want to contribute, we’re also looking for some short articles (or even if you did attend and want to contribute more!) some topics include:
Live from Albertane
Ever Lonely
Good Lovin
Livin’ on Tulsa Time
Magic Carpet Ride
Gimme Some Lovin
Shake a Tailfeather
Summertime Blues
Sunshine of Your Love
or pick your own 1998-eque topic!
We are looking to have this finished to release September 30th, the 25th anniversary of the conclusion of the tour so if you could get anything you’d like to share to us ASAP but no later than August 14, 2023 it would be most appreciated!
If you have any questions about this project – contact us