It is very exciting to be in the studio recording this week. We’re five days into a ten day recording session and at the pace we’re moving, we’re gonna run out of songs before we run out of days. As always, the feel from song to song is eclectic, but when you pull back and listen to them as an album, there is a thread going through everything, which probably is just that we are writing them. Songs may not always be autobiographical, but they are usually inspired by your conscience. People have perspectives that are bred into them, the same way places have sounds. There is something about the soil, the water, the bedrock or lack thereof that effects the buildings and the music that is made in them.
This week, we are sharing more video from the making of In Real Life, this time looking at the song Compromise as we were putting the final touches on the structure before the song was recorded. Hope you enjoy it.
Isaac, Taylor and Zac |