As promised, Hanson is doing a livestream every month from now until the Roots & Rock ‘N Roll Tour in October. Friday July 24th was the latest installment. If you missed it – here’s our recap!
The guys talked about sending in questions to be answered later in the stream
Video about Isaac talking about the R&R tour and mixing up setlists and how they really liked what they did with Look At You for MONA
Back in the studio the guys perform Look At You
The guys mentioned that Taylor for got to plug his mic pack in before the screen
New tour merch!
Jean Jacket for R&R tour – members only
Bumper stickers and tattoos
Voice mail contest winners video
(They had technical difficulties and had to stop the stream for a bit)
The stream came back and they sang Lean On Me – a song Zac said he had been singing all his life but they have never done live
Zac talks about going to camp with his kids
He taught them how to sing lean on me
They asked for camp experiences via Twitter
There should be a Hanson camp
Zac talks about the Mudder
BTTI but as a skiing event – how many would hit a tree
MMMHops + Skiing = bad
canoeing, smores, campfire songs is what theyre talking about
What are you looking forward to most on the tour?
They didnt tour last year to do different things – collabs, beer, etc
They are excited about shows and visiting their favorite cities
Playing live is an awesome experience
It has been a long time since they led walks so there will be walks on tour
Will you do music lessons on HDay – sort of done w/ lecture but not quite
That ticket will be really expensive
Members only stream – he did a how to (watching that stream will be really expensive)
You can play guitar w/ zac on the members only stream
Favorite camp experience – breaking arm so she didn’t have to go to camp
Saved from water moccasin – lived
Tour is covers/influences
Followed by Hanson catalog & rare songs
Will it be recorded? They dont know but it has been talked about
Wanted to put together an EP of cover songs but not sure if its happening or not
One way to get the recordings – be there!
BTTI Europe – good idea?
Find us an island!
Birmingham! Less tropical.
Best fast food burger
Most burgers don’t age well
Things that age well, indian food, burritos pizza
Burgers get soggy
5 guys is pretty great (but not fries)
Wendys Jr Bacon Cheeseburger
The Brook in Tulsa
What memories from Unbelievable do you relate to most?
Jurassic Park.
My favorite line in jurassic park was “hold on to your butts”
action movies
People nostalgic about them because they were part of childhoods but listen to songs again and…
There are things from your childhood that actually were awesome like Ferris Bueller, Raiders of the Lost Ark
That is what they hope to be
Very Cherry jellybeans better than Dr Pepper
Something got confused in the 90s – Rex’s Boneless Chicken – not their favorite restaurant (double favorite) The whole thing about jello and jelly beans that they got in the mail and they still have it. They are ok in a nuclear apocalypse
Will the tour go outside the US?
As of right now they dont think it is likely to happen.
The more feedback they get about interest the more likely it is
Tour is supposed to be close to home and they are markets where they have a solid following
Choosing the setlist for covers difficult?
It has been.
It’s not completed but they will start in September w/ rehearsals
Throwing ideas back and forth w/ open minds
Check PMs on Hnet to see ideas
Probably not a lot of hair metal – poison, whitesnake
Every rose does have its thorn
Their musical roots and influences – not really metal
Only old songs or new cover songs?
Modern songs are also inspirations so could be some current covers from recently
Are there more 90s lies?
Questions have been less questions and more statements.
They’ve been questionable
Video clip of Hanson w/ Owl City on the Today Show
The guys performed On and On
Video of Hanson and Blues Traveler at Red Rocks / Top of the World collaboration
Members only songs during Hanson Night on tour?
That’s a big part of the intention
Taylor doing another cooking segment?
I’m cooking might as well turn on the camera
Star Wars – new trilogy
Tear of joy
August 28th 6pm CT will be the next stream