2015 Hansonstage Weekly Features Contest!

By | October 25, 2014

It is time to start planning our 2015 Weekly Features and we need your help!  Help us out and be entered to win a prize.

First Prize: $10 to your choice of Amazon or iTunes (1 winner)
Second Prize: $5 to your choice of Amazon or iTunes (2 winners!)

Use the handy dandy entry form below and for each entry you submit you will be given 1 entry to the giveaway.  Entries will be submitted until November 30 at 11:59pm EST so if you need to take your time to think about your entries, you can 🙂

The weekly features for 2015 are as follows:

Music Monday (maybe?)
Trivia Tuesday
Would You Rather Wednesday
Throwback Thursday (photos)
Caption This!

We are looking for your opinion on what we should feature on Mondays as well as some help with coming up with questions for Tuesday and Wednesday. Please note that just because you make a submission, does not mean it will be used on the site, but as long as your submission is appropriate and valid you will receive your entry to the contest whether we decide to use your submission or not.  You can submit up to 3 trivia questions and 5 Would You Rather questions.  Along with 2 questions about Monday’s feature, everyone has the chance to earn up to 10 entries.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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