The New is Live!
Come visit the new website and see what we have been working on all summer! The new site has a host of new and improved features to help you enjoy photos, videos, and music, as well as making it easier to meet and friend members of the HANSON.NET community.
Voice Mail Contest!
Are you troubled by your blasé voicemail? Would you love to have someone spice up your answering machine? Than don’t miss this chance to have HANSON do it for you! All you have to do is enter the HANSON.NET VOICEMAIL CONTEST by October 14th and you will be placed into a drawing to win one of 15 voicemail messages recorded by HANSON.
Visit the contest page for all the details.
Tutorial Videos
With the launch of the new website a lot has changed about the way HANSON.NET works. Pages have moved, names have changed, and new features have been added. So, we have created tutorial videos to help you learn the ins and outs of the new site. If you still have questions after watching the tutorials, take a look at our updated FAQs.
Streaming Events
Make sure to join us on October 11th for a public live streaming event. During the stream HANSON will take your questions, play live music, share videos from the Australian ANTHEM World Tour, announce the dates for HANSON Day 2015, and more…
A member’s only stream will follow immediately after the completion of the public stream.
Weekly Photo
HANSON shares the story of MMMHops at the Epcot international food and wine festival.