Last Call: The Albertane Tour

By | August 1, 2023

As you may have heard, we are looking to put together a 25th anniversary compilation for The Albertane Tour.

We are looking to put a little something together for the anniversary and need your help!  If you have any photos, memories or anything else to share about this tour – please send it to  We know concert photos will probably not be the best as sneaking in disposable cameras was generally the most we could get away with – but you and your friends before/after the show, the marquees, outside the venue, etc are all appreciated!

If you didn’t attend a concert but still want to contribute, we’re also looking for some short articles (or even if you did attend and want to contribute more!) some topics include:

Live from Albertane
Ever Lonely
Good Lovin
Livin’ on Tulsa Time
Magic Carpet Ride
Gimme Some Lovin
Shake a Tailfeather
Summertime Blues
Sunshine of Your Love

or pick your own 1998-eque topic!

Please get them emailed by August 15th so we can get everything pieced together for a September release!

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