This week Michael James, Kat & Straight Michael return and we have an incredibly special guest. All the way from Tulsa in the US of A we play Michael’s interview with the one and only Taylor Hanson! We get a taste of some of their new music, have a chat about just how many children they all have and how a group of international teen heart throbs land themselves sane and rational wives. There’s talk about their gay fan base and a throw back all the way to Middle of Nowhere… Be sure to listen in for part one & two! Plus we have our usual “Educating the straight man” and “You know what I love?”. Our talking point this week is all about movies, those classic movies we love, with ridiculously obvious gay undertones, X-men, Lord Of the Rings and many more! Tune in and make sure to catch us online. @gaysavvy
You can stream the episode at the source. (Taylor’s part starts about 15 minutes in, part 2 is at 47:30)
Or catch the podcast on Itunes here!