Ridgefielders Joanna Vill and Kerryn King are hosting a one-mile charity walk through the village, Saturday April 25, to raise money to build a school in Africa.
The event is sponsored by the Take the Walk organization, which is supported by Ms. Vill’s and Ms. King’s favorite band, Hanson.
Take the Walk donates $1 for every person who participates in walks to benefit needy areas in Africa. Ms. Vill and Ms. King have chosen specifically to support the building of a new school.
Taking the one-mile walk is free — the organizers only ask for participants to sign their names on a roster so the list can be sent to Take the Walk.
Interested walkers can meet at Ballard Park gazebo at 11 a.m and walk down Main Street and on Catoonah Street before heading back to the park. No pre-registration is required. Questions can be e-mailed to the organizers at TaketheWalkRidgefield@yahoo.com.This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it More information about the charity can be found at TaketheWalk.net.