American Idol finalist Matt Giraud might bear an uncanny resemblance to Justin Timberlake, but last night’s performance of Michael Jackson’s ”Human Nature” channeled another late-’90s pop star: Taylor Hanson.
If you haven’t listened to Hanson since ”MMMBop” you might be taken aback by the comparison, but if you’ve heard the JoBros predecessors live any time in the past five years, you know it’s totally apt: the perch behind the piano, the growly edge to his soulful voice, the riffing at the end of each line, and even the phrasing. Plus, they both know how to rock a scarf.
Check out Matt’s performance below, then YouTube any number of live Hanson clips and judge for yourself. Are you with me, PopWatchers? Or do you think Randy’s JT/Robin Thicke comparison is more accurate?
I don’t think so. I’ve been following this latest AI season and I don’t see any Taylor-ish on Matt.
I have to agree with Randy’s JT/Robin Thicke comparison, but I love Tay and Matt. I’m still cheering for Matt regardless of who he’s compared to.