The following updates have been made to the site recently:
By request, Pre-Fame albums have been split up into Daydreams in the Night, The Beginnings and Trinity for Christ instead of all being lumped together under The Beginnings
Listings for Lead Singers have been added under the database tab. There are many we have categorized as “Unknown”, if you know who sings lead or think that any of the other listings are incorrect, let us know. Lead singer pages show the tracks from the album by that singer only, as voted for on our twitter poll.
What Songs Have You Heard Live
We received a request to make the listing page more user friendly. While we explore other options for you to add tour listings to your account, we have added links for each year to the top of the page that will quickly jump you to that year to add shows to your checklist.
We received a request to display what percentage of the songs in the database you have heard live. This number is now displayed with your other stats like number of songs heard live and number of unique songs heard live. This is based off all of the songs in the database, not just those performed live.