It seems that MMMBop has been getting some press around the world. Here are some of the articles translated using Google Translate.
FOTO: Hudobné legendy, na ktorých sme vyrastali. Pozrite sa, ako sa zmenili (HNOnline)
PHOTO: Musical legend in which we grew up. See how changed
1. Hanson
Americká pop-rocková skupina založená v Tulse, v Oklahome. Tvorili ju bratia ratov Isaac, Taylor a Zac Hansonovci. Sú známi predovšetkým vďaka svojmu hitu MMMBop (1997) z ich debutového albumu Middle of Nowhere, ktorý im vyniesol tri nominácie na cenu Grammy. Po určitom úspechu opustili kvôli konfliktu s producentmi nahrávaciu spoločnosť a založili svoju vlastnú, 3CG Records.
American pop-rock band based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They consisted of brothers Isaac, Taylor and Zac Hanson. They are known mainly due to its hit MMMBop (1997) from their debut album Middle of Nowhere, which earned them three Grammy nomination. After some success left because of conflicts with producers and record label founded his own, 3CG Records.
Come era la nostra vita nel 1997 (Wired Italy)
As it was our lives in 1997
All’estero arrivavano Titanic e Buffy, noi ci accontentavamo di Ovosodo e della nascita di Mtv Italia. Dal primo capitolo di GTA a Barbie Girl, ecco cosa succedeva 20 anni fa
Abroad they came Titanic and Buffy, we were happy to Ovosodo and the birth of MTV Italy. From the first chapter of GTA Barbie Girl, here is what happened 20 years ago
4. Musica
It is a year of absurd catchphrases: from Barbie Girl by Aqua in MMMBop of Hanson.But it is also the year in which the album OK Computer by Radiohead.
20 discos que completam 20 anos em 2017 (Tenho Mais Discos Que Amigos)
20 albums that turn 20 in 2017
O ano de 1997 foi bastante produtivo na cena musical, e diversos lançamentos ocorreram naquela ocasião. Tinha gente estreando na carreira artística, outros se reinventado, além de discos que entraram para a história.
Sabe quanto tempo faz que isso aconteceu? Sim meus amigos, vinte anos já, e para começar 2017 com o pé direito, vamos relembrar alguns dos discos que saíram na época.
The year of 1997 was very productive in the musical scene, and several launches occurred at that time. It had people debuting in the artistic career, others if reinvented, besides discs that entered history.
Do you know how long this has happened? Yes my friends, twenty years already, and to start 2017 with the right foot, let’s remember some of the records that came out at the time.
Hanson – Middle Of Nowhere
O trio de irmãos do Hanson conquistou o mundo em 1997, ao lançar o seu álbum de estreia através de uma gravadora comercial. Com o mega hit“MMMBop”, eles conseguiram chegar ao topo das paradas musicais de diversos países.
Middle Of Nowhere atingiu a marca de 10 milhões de cópias mundialmente, ficando em primeiro lugar de discos mais vendidos durante muito tempo.
Hanson – Middle Of Nowhere
Hanson’s trio of brothers conquered the world in 1997 by releasing their debut album through a commercial label. With the mega hit “MMMBop”, they managed to reach the top of the music charts in various countries.
Middle Of Nowhere reached the 10 million mark worldwide, ranking first of best selling albums for a long time.