If you have ever wanted to be there to watch the creation of a song at its infancy,
tonight’smembers stream is going to be right up your alley. When we begin to work on a new piece of music, it can take time to meld each brother’s ideas into one shared perspective. Opening up the doors to the studio and letting you watch that process unfold is an invitation to share in the struggles we endure while crafting each new song. It is not always a pretty process and at times it can be a bit contentious, but that is just the nature of working on something you are passionate about. It is a special thing to share melodies and lyrics that might never be heard again and to let you watch a song taking shape. The Stream starts at
6PM CT and will be looping all weekend long for anyone who misses it.
We ran a contest last week to win a special pressing of the Loud Play (LP) vinyl. Hanson.net members had to answer a question about the member’s only stream and the winner would be picked at random from the correct answers. Congratulations EODXavier, you are this week’s winner!
We will be giving away another Vinyl this week. Just answer the question in the HANSON Asks section and the winner will be drawn from the correct answers. Big shout out to everybody who joined us last night for the official release of the Hop Jam Festive Ale. Thanks for sharing a drink, Cheers!
Isaac, Taylor and Zac