Throughout the month we’ll be sharing some of your MOE memories and tips. If you’d like to submit your own, please do so here
Today we have an expanded tip from Gabrielle –
Don’t feel rushed while there. If you rush around, you’ll miss things. I’d recommend planning things out in advance [my group finalizes our plans up to two weeks before we even start driving]. Do leave room for things, be it accidentally taking too long in one store, or finishing up early while eating. Be courteous to the other fans. Go sight seeing! Don’t spend all of your time in front of 3CG! [Or the venue the concert is being held in]. Go see the things that makes Tulsa great. Some are Hanson related [like the MOE house, where the TBS and Go videos were filmed etc] and some are not. One year my group went to the air and space museum, which was interesting. Don’t rush the guys [or their family] if you see them out and about, remember that they are human too. Behave, don’t do anything illegal, be kind and polite to everyone [fan and non fan alike] and above all? Have FUN! [and Eat, never forget to eat]