The MMMBop boys are in the UK next month for live shows and a new album. Baby of the band, Zac, chats about scones, hellraising and that song…
“We are playing our five albums across five straight nights in London in June, finishing with the new album Shout It Out. It’s so exciting!”
Are you scared you’ll forget parts?
“I’m worried, but my job’s easier as the drummer!” [Laughs.]
What’s your most embarrassing experience ever on stage?
“My drum kit fell apart once and rolled offstage. Other times we’ve run offstage because so many fans rushed on after us! Crazy times…”
Don’t you hate MMMBop by now?
“No! The words are about how few things in life really matter. So when our fans still sing it back to us, it feels like they are saying how much we still mean to them. It’s cool to still be here after 14 years. Not all bands make it!”
You had such a clean-cut image – who is actually the biggest hellraiser?
“If we’re talking about trouble with security, police, and federal people, it would be me. I have trouble with authority figures, but my brother Taylor is the biggest partier.”
Did it change after you all married?
“Our wives realised what they were getting into. We were already set in our ways, so there was nothing they could do about it.” [Laughs.]
What do you love about London?
“I don’t know, scones? [Laughs.] And I love the great history of British music and culture. In some ways, that’s where everything in the States is coming from. The two countries have a real kinship that is so special.”