– The Boston Celtics host the Los Angeles Lakers in Game 3 of the best-of-seven NBA final at 9 p.m.
– Les Misérables opens at Place des Arts, where it will put on 12 shows over 12 days.
– Christina Aguilera, Danko Jones, Jewel and Hanson (yeah, the MMMBop kids are still around) release new albums.
– About 32,000 teachers with Quebec’s French-language public school boards are set to stage a one-day walkout as a pressure tactic in contract negotiations. The move would cancel classes, affecting 274,000 students.
– Primary elections (where the major parties choose their candidates) for Nov. 2 elections are held today in 10 states, including California.
Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/sports/Monday+Calendar+Week+Ahead/3120913/story.html#ixzz0qBOU3AqT